I Just Use My Phone to Call People

Guess I’m the only one left in the world who does something as prosaic as make a telephone call with my cell phone. I don’t text. I don’t surf the web. I don’t take pictures. I just talk and even then only to immediate family.

This is pretty cool, though.

5 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    no2liberals said,

    And here I thought I was the prosaic one for never having even visited the app store for my iphone.

  2. 2

    kcduffy said,

    My Favorite Cousin lives in Wyoming. We text and send pictures all the time, since our granddaughters were born!

  3. 3

    swampie said,

    *sigh* Just call me luddite.

  4. 4

    kcduffy said,

    Nope. I didn’t use any of the ‘features’ till I had a durn good reason. Cousin and I had been out of touch since the 80’s. We find we have more in common as we go along. Not easy finding someone with such an attitude.

    F’rinstance, both of us have siblings that have disowned us, and mothers who have chosen “the other side.” We have the comfort of knowing each other & wanting each other in our lives, if that makes any sense. Texting and pictures on the phone make the connection easier to keep that was lost for so long.

  5. 5

    swampie said,

    Yep. Sometimes choosing your family makes more sense.

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