Archive for December 30, 2009

Incredibly Stupid Beauty Advice

I was watching the Today Show this morning because, in my languorous head-cold state, I was too lazy to actually reach for the remote and change channels after the local news, so I got to watch a beauty advice person telling ME that sugar and high fructose corn syrup causes wrinkles, much like the surface of a Creme Brulee desert is wrinkled.

So, in order to stop the wrinkling process, I’m supposed to believe that a low glycemic diet avoiding sugar will cure me or at least stop wrinkles in their tracks so I won’t look like a Creme Brulee.

That, plus avoiding being baked in a 325-degree Fahrenheit oven for 40 minutes, chilled, then being sprinkled with sugar and ignited with a torch. I would think that part would be waaaaay more important than the avoiding sugar part.

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