I Still Oppose Obamacare

mini meDaughter put a picture of Zoe on Facebook that looks EXACTLY like I do when I’m contemplating the people excusing the failures of the Democrats to recognize the trainwreck that is Obamacare. WHAT DID THESE IDIOTS  THINK THIS WAS ABOUT? It certainly wasn’t about health care, because there are better and less expensive ways to accomplish what they destroyed.

Oh, silly me. I know what they *thought* would happen. The media would proclaim how wonderful of a triumph this was for the poor and ignore the reality as per usual with all of the Obama policies. But a funny thing happened. Too many people got screwed over for the media to cover up. The lies told by the Bullshitter in Chief were too pervasive for denial, though they did try to deny them as well as blaming the eeeeevil insurance companies. When that didn’t stick, they told everybody they “misunderstood”.

I didn’t misunderstand.  The government is going to subject us to irrevocable harm financially through an unsecure website to get overpriced “insurance” that is nothing of the kind. I consider it more of a government extortion program.  How long will it be until somebody is notified that if, say,  a court ruling doesn’t go the way they want, medical treatment for a family member will be denied?

Think it couldn’t happen? People that supported Romney were audited by the IRS, costing them tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands to defend against.  Tea Party members were harassed by the IRS as well as other government departments. It’s already happening.  And now the IRS will have your medical records, too, and government will decide what care, if any, you will get.

5 Responses so far »

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    ligneus said,

    Can’t imagine her getting bullied in school!

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      swampie said,

      Well, she’s only two, so she has a way to go yet. Since she has two very rough older brothers, she’s had to learn self defense the natural way. But, based on family history, she will not tolerate bullying.

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        kcduffy said,

        I’m heading West again Saturday. Breakfast tomorrow?

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        swampie said,

        OMG, I just today saw your comment which just goes to show how I’ve been running around like a crazy woman. Not getting much done, of course, but running around aimlessly and screaming a lot. Yes, yes, we must do breakfast ASAP.

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