Sigh. I WISH I’d just got paid today. Somebody asked me if I wanted to get my vehicle, which is mostly held together by dirt, washed for $5 by the band. $5 BEFORE payday? If somebody is assumin’ that I actually HAVE $5 the week before payday, they are assumin’ wrong.

3 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    kae said,

    I know the phenomena of which you speak.

    Something like “Why is it at the end of two weeks’ pay I still have a week and a half to live on?”

    Been saying that for years.

    It was “Why at the end of a week’s pay do I still have more than half the week to go and no money left to go on?”

  2. 2

    swampie said,

    Yeah, that bein’ paid twice a month really sucks, but not as bad as being paid monthly. Now THAT hurt!

  3. 3

    swampie said,

    I put up ZZ Top because it reminded me of my brother with his long, bushy red beard. Kind of a scary lookin’ dude, but the nicest guy you will ever want to meet. I reckon his beard is kinda turnin’ white by now. It’s been about 10 or 15 years since I’ve seen him, and my hair has developed white streaks since then.

    Was supposed to go visit this summer, maybe I can go next.

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