Anybody Going To a Tea Party?

I don’t think the politicians realize exactly how furious people are at their profligate spending of money that does not belong to them, their generation, or their children’s generation.

I spoke to my mother yesterday afternoon. She told me that if she were younger, she’d be at a tea party. I told her I’d come pick her up and take her, but my stepfather is an invalid and cannot be left alone for that long and does not want a hired nurse to care for him, only my mother. My daughter is very worried about the huge deficits that are happening and would like to go but hesitates to ask for a day off due to the economic situation. Since my job has already been eliminated (38 working days left), I might as well take some of the accumulated sick time and go!

9 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    kcduffy said,

    Swampie, call me cynical but I think you and hubby and other well-meaning, thoughtful, kind, patriots seem to be laboring under the illusion that your elected officials care that so many are so pissed off. I disagree COMPLETELY.

    I think they don’t give a flying fickle finger of fate whether we are or are not pissed off. They have their power, and their money (yes, taken from faceless, rich “others”) so they just don’t care. At all.

    They also know that their re-election is probably in the bag, so this wonderful lifestyle of “Public Service” that they’ve found will continue until they go on to something else – say, lobbying, which pays BIG BIG bucks – collect their “retirement” and lilfelong bennies from said “Public Service,” and flip the rest of us poor saps the bird as they depart in their chauffeur-driven limo.

    Let me know when and where you’re going, I’ll happily join you. Does the MSM even report these get-togethers, as they do every excuse for a global warming or anti-war protest? Somehow, I doubt it, but I don’t know cuz I don’t watch local or national news, I get all mine from the internet or Grandy & Andy, among others I hear on Talk Radio.

    LATE! Gotta shower!

  2. 2

    shirts4freedom said,

    Tea Party gear can be found at

  3. 3

    kcduffy said,

    And if you haven’t been to my blog today, here’s a link for the list of tea parties in Florida – with other hyperlinks to other states, too, I think. No, I don’t know how to make a hyperlink here, you’ll have to cut&paste. So sue me…

  4. 4

    swampie said,

    I haven’t been out and about the internet much today! I hope to remember to fill out my absentee sheet tomorrow so I can take 4/15 off. We lost some shingles in one of the storms that blew over us, and so we have a leak in the office! D’OH! Well, I wanted to replace the carpet anyway.

    I’ve been waiting for the rain to stop so I could feed lamb and come back in without having to completely change clothes again but nooooooooo. I have to haul some hay to the ewes, make sure I put some water in with the rescued chicks and hen, and feed the kitties and dogs, too. Since it’s almost 11 p.m., guess I better just do it.

  5. 5

    swampie said,

    Thanks for the links to the tea parties; I will read them tomorrow.

  6. 6

    Princess Bernie said,

    I may attend the Louisville one – I’m off that day preparing for eldest son’s wedding. i agree that the only thing the elected officials care about is our next vote. The Tea Parties, to me, are equally about letting other folks know that there are a lot of people who agree with them and that we can join together to vote the bastards out of office. At least on this budget fiasco, the Republicans stuck together. Maybe we’ll get some good Conservative candidates next time if they see they will have some support.

    /welcome to the handbasket to hell, fasten your seatbelts and hang on…

  7. 7

    swampie said,

    Yeah, I’m basically going to show that I’m prepared to do a peaceful demonstration this time. The next demonstration may not be so peaceful.

  8. 8

    Paul Gross said,

    the only way to get them to care is to vote them out. which we are not very good at doing. Look at William Jefferson, Ted Stevens and the other crooks who keep getting re-elected. It was revealed a couple of years ago that Alan Hevisi, the comptroller of NY was using state employees to look after his disable wife. He was elected anyway (the SEIU worked hard on his behalf) and resigned when formal charges were filed. Most of the electorate is ill-informed, driven by special interests (unions etc) and frankly is just plain apathetic.

    “Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.” –George Bernard Shaw

  9. 9

    swampie said,

    Unfortunately, a large part of the electorate doesn’t even know who Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are.

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