Archive for March 14, 2010

Rooster Slaughtering Time

We have too many roosters, and it is waaaay past time to put some in the freezer. *sigh* These are roosters that I have hatched in the incubator, who regard me as mom, and who I have carried around, doctored their wounds, fed and watered, and last night I started caught the first roosters for the freezer. I have about 13 scheduled for execution this morning. We have far more that need to go into the freezer, but we have things to do this afternoon.

If freed to run loose about the place, they attack the few loose hens that haven’t been eaten by predators. A group of young roosters killed a hen two days ago. Confined, they attack each other. Heck, loose they attack each other. And they attempt to outcrow each other (all fifty or so) at 2 a.m. They would eventually fall victim to a fox, raccoon, possum, or other rooster.

Final preparation includes laying out the knives (I’m going to try out the new ceramic!), opening a new plastic tablecloth for the picnic table where the cutting up will be done, gathering woven plastic feedbags to hold the feathers, heads, feet, and viscera, and filling a big ice chest with ice and water where they will chill before being vacuum packed for the freezer.

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