Archive for March 25, 2010

GI Bill

Daughter complained about the GI Bill that her husband is going to school on.

“They sent us a bill for $400 that they said he owed them. Then they sent us a letter saying that he didn’t, in fact, owe the $400 and everything is fine. Then he got a letter saying that he owed them $1,000 because he’d been overpaid for his classes. In the meantime, he’s gotten random amounts–$25 here, $50 there–and never the full amount that he is supposed to be getting. After several months, he’s still way short of what he is supposed to be getting monthly. And his check for this month hasn’t arrived. And they think they can run health care?”

Heh. Yeah, the efficiency with which government works is legendary, huh? I went to school on the GI bill when daughter was just a baby…or, at least, I tried to. It was a constant battle with the GI Bill administrators deciding randomly that various classes were not approved in my field of study. Payment for accounting in a business major, for example, was denied and the payment held out of several checks until it was “repaid”. I ended up paying for my own school by working full time and going at night part time.

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