Archive for Climate crap

Tropical Deluge in February

I was really excited and happy to get rain because, frankly, we needed it. Forests were spontaneously starting to burst into flames because, well, it’s the DRY season. I was having to leave the hose trickle so that mud puddles would form for the ducks to bathe in and so the squirrels wouldn’t drown themselves in the water troughs looking for something to drink.

I was happy that it poured down rain all night here Sunday. HARD rain. Then Monday morning I went out to open up the gate to the big sheep barn to let them out to the pasture to graze. It was raining. The rain varied from intense to medium. They looked at me as though I’d lost my mind. They shifted around uncertainly. After five minutes, nobody had made a decision and I was tired of standing around in the rain waiting for sheep, so I shut the gate and went about my business.

I was out shifting poultry and checking their feed during a lull in the rain when I decided I’d open the gate so that the ewes with lambs could come down to a separate barn and pasture to be fed because nursing mothers and lambs are the only ones that get fed twice a day around here. I opened the gate. Again, the sheep looked at me as though I were crazy. “GET MY WOOL WET? DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TAKES THIS SHIT TO DRY?” Well, yeah, they have a point. I closed the gate and went back toward the house. When I was almost there, I heard baaaaaing at the gate. The whole flock was there. I turned around to let the nursing mothers and lambs through but it started raining again before I got there. By the time I got back to open the gate again, they were back at the other barn shifting around, discussing whether they could sucker me into standing in the rain holding the gate open for five minutes or more again, no doubt.

Unfortunately for them, the round bales are out in the pasture, and I was slap outta square bales. The only way I could get square bales out to that barn was carrying them, too. My truck would definitely get stuck out there now! I tossed what loose hay I could gather up out to them. They gobbled it up and looked greedily for more. Sorry, guys.

kcmo snow front yardGuess I’m on my way to buy a couple bales of hay. That should last me until it is dry enough for the sheep to go out on the pasture. The grass is growing really well, so that means that it is going to go to record low temperatures again. Could be worse. Here’s my lil’ brother’s street in Kansas City, MO, this morning. Yeah, he’s not working today.

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If I Wanted America to Fail

You don’t really think that our politicians and media have our best interests at heart, do you?

h/t Sullivan’s Travelers

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Middle Georgia Snow

Lots of snow in middle Georgia, appearing from just above Waycross through Roddy, our destination. Every house that had a child inside (perhaps along with some that housed children at heart) had an exuberant snowman or three outside brandishing stick arms.

At the first sight of a snowy roof, I was startled and drew SwampMan’s attention to it. “Could that possibly be global warming on that roof?” I wondered aloud.

“Nah, couldn’t be. It’s too cold for that to be global warming.”

Yet, now that I was paying attention, more and more global warming appeared in the median, then in the pine trees. There was several inches of global warming on parked cars and, by the time we reached Alma, there were lovely snowmen (or is that global warming men?) everywhere, with children reaching out to poke at them wonderingly, never having seen snow before. The farther north we traveled, the more widespread the global warming was. We crossed some slushy bridges that must have been a caution to cross the night before.

By the time we reached my mother and father-in-law’s house, the snow was in full melt mode but we could see that it had been extensive.

I asked my in laws whether snow had been a common feature when they were young. Nope. In their 80+ years life, they could remember snow that accumulated on two, maybe three previous occasions.

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Apparently the MSM Doesn’t Know How Big Climategate is….

Perhaps the MSM needs a little help from the little folks out here about how big a deal Climategate is, since they have decided to ignore it or carry on as though it never happened. So, how big a deal is it?

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Hide the Decline!

Heh. A catchy lil’ tune. Brought to you by Mitchell301 at GCP.

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AGW = A Great Waste (of Taxpayer Money)

I haven’t commented about the “hacked” East Anglia E-mails simply because so many other people have done such a good job of it. Watts Up With That has been all over the fraud involved in the global warming “research” for years, inexorably exposing fraudulent data from miscalibrated/malfunctioning machines that wasn’t even noted by the scientists before he and his readers examined it. Historical climate data was being changed on a frequent basis. A large portion of the weather stations that were providing the “data” were badly located, ignoring all guidelines for accurate readings.

As for my point of view, I’ve stated it over and over. Any organization being funded by taxpayer money that refuses to release its data under the FOIA is hiding something. The government’s refusal to force release of the data (so it could be replicated, which it cannot) smells like a giant payoff from government officials that were salivating to impose draconian tax raises on the people in order to fix a nonexistent problem. Just another control mechanism for the population.

Real scientists aren’t afraid to release their methods so that they can be replicated. If non-government-supported scientists tried to pull off this big a fraud on the public, they would be in jail.

Thanks to RickZ at GCP, here’s Hitler’s take on climate fraud:

AGW is a FRAUD. A very, very big one.

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Georgia Has Severe Flooding

ATLANTA — Gov. Sonny Perdue declared a state of emergency Monday evening in 17 counties after flooding killed at least 5 people, including a 2-year-old boy.

According to a statement, Perdue issued the declaration after viewing storm damage in Douglas and Paulding counties from the air.

The counties affected are Carroll, Catoosa, Chattooga, Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Crawford, DeKalb, Douglas, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Newton, Paulding, Rockdale, Stephens and Walker.

“Mary and I are saddened by the human cost the recent storms have wrought,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “We are currently focused on rescuing victims of the storms targeting Georgia and preventing further damage. State personnel and equipment are being deployed to assist effected communities. The Georgia Emergency Management Agency is coordinating our response and managing the State Operations Center, the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Division (EPD) are deploying boats, high-water vehicles, and testing water. Other state agencies are deploying manpower and additional resources.”

Thunderstorms that rumbled across north Georgia spawned heavy downpours that flooded roads and homes and dumped as much as 20 inches of rain over three days.

Read the rest at the link above.

Hope your weather returns to normal soon, Georgia.

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Global Warming Shrinks Sheep?

Paco Enterprises brought my attention to this gem from Yahoo News:

WASHINGTON – Like the wool sweater that emerges from the dryer a size too small, global warming seems to be shrinking sheep.

On average, wild Soay sheep on Scotland’s island Hirta are 5 percent smaller today than they were in 1985, according to a team of researchers led by Tim Coulson of Imperial College London.

“The decrease in body size was due to a reduction in growth rates caused, in part, by the changing climate,” Coulson said in an interview via e-mail.

Evolution favors the development of large sheep, which can more easily survive harsh winters, Coulson explained. So the researchers became curious about the overall decline in size of the animals on Hirta.

They discovered that as the climate has grown milder, small lambs that would not have survived previous winters were now living to grow up and reproduce.

Since size is inherited, the survival and reproduction of these smaller animals lowered the average size of the herd.

In addition, Coulson noted, there is what he termed the “young mum effect,” with the younger mothers physically unable to produce large offspring.

The find adds to the understanding of how change occurs in many types of animals, he said, including birds, fish and mammals.

It shows how evolution and ecology each play a role in change, Coulson said: “And that, for our wild sheep at least, climate change is having a detectable effect on body size — a trait that is partly determined by genes — and that this compliments previous research showing how climate change can influence population size.”

“This study addresses one of the major goals of population biology, namely to untangle the ways in which evolutionary and environmental changes influence a species’ traits,” said Andrew Sugden, deputy and international managing editor at Science, which published the report.

The research was supported by Britain’s Natural Environment Research Council.

Apparently Britain’s Natural Environment Research Council doesn’t know that Soay are SMALL sheep. Small breed ewes generally lamb as yearlings. The birth and weaning weight of the lambs has to do with the amount of food available for the ewes.

So, let us recap:

Soay sheep are small, not large. They live on a small island with a limited amount of feed. Their population is controlled by starvation. Small sheep reach sexual maturity more quickly and lamb as yearlings (actually, my sheep have lambed before a year of age). The birth weight and weaning weight of lambs has a lot to do with the nutrition of the mother.

Just knowing those limited facts (which are not disclosed in the article), would you think that natural selection would be selecting for large sheep or smallish sheep? Would you think that an inbred population that has been selecting for small size for generations of sheep would have a tendency to be larger or smaller? Mmmmmmmm. So far, nothing to do with “global warming”.

In addition, Coulson noted, there is what he termed the “young mum effect,” with the younger mothers physically unable to produce large offspring.

And which “young mum” effect would that be? My grandmother was 13 when she married. Her first son grew to be over 6′ tall. So did her subsequent sons. I was recently reading about a group of tiny little preemies (1 lb. birthweight) that grew to normal size. The small birthweight wasn’t associated with the age of the mother.

My yearling (or younger) ewes have lambs that are about the same size as the twins that the older ewes produce. Mmmmm hmmmm, thass right, baby. Yearlings have a tendency to produce singles. Older ewes are more apt to produce twins. As the ewes age, they begin dropping singles again. If ewes are nutritionally challenged, they have a tendency to produce singles regardless of age.

Now let’s go back to the statistic casually tossed out:

On average, wild Soay sheep on Scotland’s island Hirta are 5 percent smaller today than they were in 1985, according to a team of researchers led by Tim Coulson of Imperial College London.

Really. Since there are no sheep that were around in 1985 to compare to the sheep from 2009, that is a rather tough statistic to check.

Again, let’s review:

The weight of sheep has a lot to do with their nutritional status. It also has to do with the time of year, the breeding season (rams), whether or not they are lactating (ewes) and their age. Their nutritional status has a lot to do with how many sheep are on the island. How do the sheep population numbers of 1985 and 2009 compare? What was the nutritional status of the sheep in both years? How many males to females (males are larger and heavier)? How many lambs to adult sheep? See how those averages can be massaged?

Something tells me that Britain’s Natural Environment Research Council doesn’t support any research that does not find a link to “global warming”.

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White House Releases Hysterical “Climate Change” Report

Obama needs lots more tax revenue to completely subjugate the country, so he’s released a paper detailing all those horrible things that are happening “right now!” from climate change. Rainfall! Ohmygawd, climate change causes torrential rainfall! Nobody ever had torrential rainfall before climate change. Or not enough rainfall. Oh, wait, yes they did. California has suffered from droughts lasting 200 years, but don’t let little things like “facts” get in the way of activism. Apparently the politicians and “environmentalists” think that we’re as stupid as they are.

WASHINGTON(AP) — Harmful effects from global warming are already here and worsening, warns the first climate report from Barack Obama’s presidency in the strongest language on climate change ever to come out of the White House.

Global warming has already caused more heavy downpours, the rise of temperatures and sea levels, rapidly retreating glaciers and altered river flows, according to the document released Tuesday by the White House science adviser and other top officials.

Dogs and cats sleeping with each other….it’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine…..

What the HELL are these people talking about? Glaciers retreating? That has been proved over and over to be because of land use changes. The Antarctic ice shelves aren’t showing any sign of climate change. The torrential downpours here that caused so much property damage was because a *very* unseasonable cold front clashed with a warm front.

“There are in some cases already serious consequences,” report co-author Anthony Janetos of the University of Maryland told The Associated Press. “This is not a theoretical thing that will happen 50 years from now. Things are happening now.”

The White House document — a climate status report required periodically by Congress — contains no new research. But it paints a fuller, more cohesive and darker picture of global warming in the United States than previous studies and brief updates during the George W. Bush years. Bush was ultimately forced to issue a draft report last year by a lawsuit, and that document was the basis for this new one.

One administration official, Jane Lubchenco, called the new report a game changer that would inform policy but not dictate a particular solution.

“This report provides the concrete scientific information that says unequivocally that climate change is happening now and it’s happening in our own backyards and it affects the kind of things people care about,” Lubchenco said at a White House briefing. Her agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, was among the key contributors to the document.

The “major disruptions” already taking place will only increase as warming continues, the authors wrote. They project the average U.S. temperature could rise by as much as 11 degrees by the end of the century.

These f***ing clowns can’t predict what temperature it will be on Monday of next week, so why in the hell should they be considered some kind of experts on what temperature it will be after they’re dead? The temperature trend is DOWN, you morons! Somebody’s momma didn’t slap the shit out of ’em near enough when they were little and look what happens. Shit spilling out everywhere.

“Thresholds will be crossed, leading to large changes in climate and ecosystems,” the study said in one of its key findings, adding that it could affect the survival of some species.

Species have thresholds? Which species? Where are the thresholds? Who is crossing them?

For example in the past few decades, winters in parts of the Midwest have warmed by several degrees and the time without frost has grown by a week, according to the report.

Which parts? Seems to me that in the past few years frosts have been much earlier in the fall and later in the spring, so much so that planting and harvest is affected. Georgia lost a lot of the blueberry crop due to unprecendented cold weather in the spring, for cryin’ out loud. Brazil’s grapes froze on the vine!

Shorter winters have some benefits, such as longer growing seasons, but those are changes that require adjustments just the same, the authors note.

Yeah, that whole “having longer planting seasons with the ability to double crop and produce more food from the same land” has GOT to be stopped! It causes obesity or something.

“We’re already seeing impacts across the nation,” said co-author Virginia Burkett, coordinator of global change science at the U.S. Geological Survey. “The evidence is much stronger than it has been.”

Sounds like there wasn’t any evidence before and lots and lots of data falsification has been going on because they know that the Democrats aren’t actually going to check the facts. Hell, they won’t even bother to read the paper. They’ll just have somebody give them a synopsis using one syllable words. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that somebody whose job title is “coordinator of global change science” would find evidence of impacts from climate change. For the sarcasm challenged, yes, that is sarcasm dripping off the keyboard and pooling on the floor in a large, glowing puddle.

White House science adviser John Holdren said in a statement that the findings make the case for taking action to slow global warming — both by reducing emissions and adapting to the changes that “are no longer avoidable.”

Wait a minute….I thought it was climate change, not global warming. Now we’re back fighting global warming when there’s global cooling going on. Get with the program, dumbass!

It tells us why remedial action is needed sooner rather than later,” Holdren said.

Yeah, it DOES. A couple more cold years and even the morons that stay inside staring at their computer models instead of venturing outside into actual weather will realize that the jig is up.

Jerry Melillo, one of the report’s authors, said at a White House briefing Tuesday afternoon that if action is taken soon to reduce heat-trapping gases, chances improve for avoiding some of the effects detailed in the report.

Translation: “Please, oh please let this thing pass so that nobody knows that it is the sun that controls the weather, we can take credit for it, and we can continue sucking off the taxpayer teat! Amen.”

“There are a lot of things that are potentially possible if we don’t bring climate change under control, and we would like to see them avoided,” said Melillo, a biologist at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass.

Well, potentially I could win the lottery. Even better, potentially I could actually develop a singing voice, go on to win American idol, and be worshipped as a goddess incarnate everywhere I go because my angelic singing voice causes an immediate end to strife with world peace occurring wherever it is heard. Then I would be showered with money because shithole countries everywhere will be buying my CDs and playing them 24/7. The world economy would immediately leap into overdrive because no nation would have to fund their police, prisons, or military. I could take all my trillions, use it to fund a cure for death, and live forever. Potentially.

The report compiles years of scientific research and updates it with new data. It was produced by the interagency U.S. Global Change Research Program, relying on government, academic and research experts.

Water — too much or too little — is a dominant theme through much of the report, which says that resource will continue to be a major problem in every region of the country.

“Water permeates this document,” Burkett said. She said the U.S. Southwest will get drier and hotter and that will be a crucial issue.

Oh, shit! A drought in the desert? Who the hell could see that one coming?

The nearly 200-page report has chapters examining the effects of global warming in each region — from coastal zoning officials who must consider sea rise to Midwestern farmers recalculating their planting seasons.

Oh God NOOOOOO! Don’t make the farmers recalculate their planting seasons! How could they possibly be competent enough to add or subtract a week on either end of the season?

Federal law requires comprehensive reports on global warming’s effects every four years. An environmental group sued to force the Bush administration to issue an early draft of this report last summer because one had not been written since 2000. Since that time, the language has become stronger, but mostly because of fresher research, scientists said.

Guess that “fresher research” didn’t reveal that we were getting colder, not warmer.

No wonder we’re in such a freakin’ budget mess with the Federal government spending so much money on incredibly stupid studies from environmental activists who would like nothing better than if people would just die already.

“The emphasis has shifted from just looking at the physical climate science to adapting to change,” Burkett said in an interview.

How about if you adapt to change when the government cuts you off the Federal teat? What in the hell do you idiots think will happen when people are starving because they can’t afford food and freezing because they can’t afford fuel? Do you *really* think that they’re going to say “oh, my, I guess we’ll just have to let mom and the kids die because it’s good for the environment”?

I’m all in favor of renewable fuels, of course. Somebody go harpoon a damn whale already. Or the authors of this ridiculous paper.

*sigh* I could make fun of this stupidity all day but I have other things I need to do. Y’all give it your best shot and post your views later.

Update: I consulted the weather report yesterday and, upon being assured that the rain chance was 20% for afternoon thundershowers and the temperature would be 99 or 100, I woke at the buttcrack of dawn. I needed to get the feeding out of the way so I could concentrate on mowing grass before the temperature got too high.

Imagine my surprise when, instead of the day growing lighter, it grew darker and started raining. Checking the weather report, I found that the afternoon temperature forecast had been revised downward.

Yet climate change scaremongers “scientists” shills advocating for huge tax increases can accurately forecast the temperature at the turn of the century. Riiiiight.

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U.S. Temperature Record Very Unreliable


The official record of temperatures in the continental United States comes from a network of 1,221 climate-monitoring stations overseen by the National Weather Service, a department of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Until now,
no one had ever conducted a comprehensive review of the quality of the measurement environment of those stations.

During the past few years I recruited a team of more than 650 volunteers to visually inspect and photographically document more than 860 of these temperature stations. We were shocked by what we found.

We found stations located next to the exhaust fans of air conditioning units, surrounded by asphalt parking lots and roads, on blistering-hot rooftops, and near sidewalks and buildings that absorb and radiate heat.

We found 68 stations located at wastewater treatment plants, where the process of waste digestion causes temperatures to be higher than in surrounding areas.

In fact, we found that 89 percent of the stations – nearly 9 of every 10 – fail to meet the National Weather Service’s own siting requirements that stations must be 30 meters (about 100 feet) or more away from an artificial heating or radiating/ reflecting heat source.

In other words, 9 of every 10 stations are likely reporting higher or rising temperatures because they are badly sited.

It gets worse. We observed that changes in the technology of temperature stations over time also has caused them to report a false warming trend.  We found major gaps in the data record that were filled in with data from nearby sites, a practice that propagates and compounds errors. We found that adjustments to the data by both NOAA and another government agency, NASA, cause recent temperatures to look even higher.

The conclusion is inescapable: The U.S. temperature record is unreliable.

The errors in the record exceed by a wide margin the purported rise in temperature of 0.7º C (about 1.2º F) during the twentieth century. Consequently, this record should not be cited as evidence of any trend in temperature that may have occurred across the U.S. during the past century. Since the U.S. record is thought to be “the best in the world,” it follows that the global database is likely similarly compromised and unreliable.


As they say, read the whole thing, then take a look at the pictures of the stations that are taking the official temperatures that are later adjusted upwards.

Everybody that gardens knows that when the “official” temperature comes from the city or airport, the “real” low temperature outside the city (or airport) is going to be lower, and the “real” high temperature is going to be lower as well, sometimes by as much as 5 degrees! While it doesn’t sound like much, it makes a helluva lot of difference to the survival of a garden and delicate plants!

Should I be therefore be shocked to find that the temperatures that have already been biased towards warmth are additionally “adjusted” to give even higher temperatures as “proof” that global warming exists? Or should I use it as additional confirmation that government organizations that are pushing global warming and carbon limits are lying to me?

H/T Fresh Bilge

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