Oh, Yeah, Janet Lied, Too.

Apparently all of Obama’s cabinet heads are habitual liars. It is almost as though they’d been chosen for that quality or something. Nah. Couldn’t be. Or could it?

Under pressure from lawmakers, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has disclosed new details about the criminal backgrounds of some of the approximately 2,200 immigration detainees let out of custody in February in anticipation of spending cuts, revealing that 32 of the 622 convicted criminals released nationwide had multiple felony convictions.

Several of those with felony convictions were released in Arizona, according to a briefing made to a Capitol Hill investigatory panel.

One had been convicted of a felony charge of second-degree robbery and had multiple convictions for prostitution and lewd conduct.

Another detainee released in Arizona had a felony conviction for extreme driving under the influence.

A third had felony convictions for carrying a loaded firearm, DUI with a controlled substance and felony possession of drugs, among others.

The new details raised more questions about the decision in February by Immigration and Custom Enforcement officials to release 2,226 immigration detainees from facilities in Arizona and several other states in order to slow rising detention costs in the face of $300 million in automatic budget cuts known as the sequester, which kicked in March 1.

During two congressional hearings in March, ICE Director John Morton insisted that only detainees who did not pose a threat to public safety were released and that all remained under supervision.

But information released by DHS officials in response to requests from the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations shows that ICE has taken back into custody 58 of the convicted criminals released nationally after a review showed the seriousness of their offenses.

It took DHS officials nearly three months to release details about the criminal backgrounds, and the information was disclosed only after the subcommittee threatened to subpoena DHS officials, according to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., the ranking GOP member of the subcommittee, and Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., the chairman.

McCain, who this year has been leading a bipartisan Senate effort to enact comprehensive immigration-reform legislation, blasted President Barack Obama’s administration over the ICE releases and raised questions about Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s role or lack of it.

Napolitano has said she didn’t learn about the lower-level decision until after it happened.

Read the rest of the whole sorry story at the link above. Basically, it says that Janet, although she denies it, put a lot of people at risk from dangerous felons so that she could score political points for her master Obama in order to claim it was because Republicans made them do it.

Hey, how’s that working out again?

So, we’ve got liars from the IRS, the DHS, the DoJ, the HHS, the EPA, the State Department…well, my goodness. And they ALL did this absolutely on their own, with nobody telling them to do it.

Sounds like somebody is so incompetent he should be fired immediately because he had nothing to do with ANY of this.

Of course, he’s already been caught in so many lies, we don’t believe a word he says.

If anybody has a breakdown as to which states the felons were released in, let me know. I’d like to know whether felons were predominately released in red states.

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