Archive for November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

So what’s your favorite Thanksgiving meal? My favorite turkey for the holidays is smoked. We used to have my brother-in-law’s smoked turkey every Thanksgiving but, unfortunately, he’s moved up to north Georgia, so no more smoked turkey for me, damnit! My second favorite turkey is deep fried turkey (mmmmmmmm! Fried turkey!) but tea-brined turkey is really, really wonderful. *sniffle*

Why the sad face? Because my husband and children *do not like* turkey. My stepdad *hates* turkey. Mom and I snuck out to Cracker Barrel on her birthday to get a turkey dinner but it just ain’t the same. Mom and I have sadly agreed that cooking a 12-lb. turkey is probably not a good idea if we’re the only ones that are gonna eat it!

Sooooooo, I’m off to feed the livestock and then we’ll head up to mom’s house in Georgia. Son is working 7/12s and will be at girlfriend’s house afterwards. Daughter and son-in-law are in south Florida at his parents’ house.

I may just go ahead and get a turkey tomorrow, tea brine that sucker, and cook it anyway. So there. SwampMan is free, of course, to eat at Burger King instead.

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