Squirrels Dropping in Part Deux

aug 15,2009 082Dylan woke up at 3:30 a.m. He is awake because old Odie’s bladder ain’t what it used to be, and he barked loudly about how badly he wanted off the porch to pee. After letting him back on the porch while my bladder was insistently reminding me that it wasn’t no spring chicken either, I came inside to find that Dylan was peeping in from his bed in the living room, a happy smile on his face because it must be morning because MeeMaw and Odie are up! Oh, HELL no.

After tending to the bladder, I was trying to snuggle Dylan back to sleep when I heard a high-pitched series of squeaks like a baby squirrel had fallen out of the tree and was in distress. I said a very rude word, left Dylan in the MeeMaw chair, and ran outside before Puppy had breakfast.

First baby squirrel was easy to find, lying on his back and wriggling his legs in the air, squeaking for momma to come fetch him. I picked him up and he immediately wrapped his little limbs around my thumb, clinging for dear life, and went to sleep. Somebody warm had found him, and that was good enough for him. I found another one lying stunned in some thick grass. I couldn’t find any more fallen babies, so I came inside. No sooner had I gotten them placed in a deep Tupperware bowl in a nest of rags than I heard more distress sounds, then nothing. Running back outside I searched frantically, then found another one mostly submerged in a mud puddle, his little head thrown back to keep his nose in the air. Dang. He wasn’t moving. I put him underneath my shirt for warmth while I searched for the fourth baby. After several minutes of fruitless searching by both myself and Pup (at least I hope it was fruitless searching on Pup’s part), I gave up and came inside. Either the portion of the nest the last baby squirrel was in hadn’t fallen yet, or baby squirrel was at the bottom of a deep puddle as we’ve gotten 5+ inches of rain in the last couple days. Momma squirrel really needs to take some remedial nest building classes, damnit.

In the meantime, Dylan is still awake. He waited patiently for his chocolate milk even though his MeeMaw unaccountably heated up a bottle of hot water to tuck into the rag nest with the baby squirrels to warm them before fixing his chocolate milk, then decided that he is The Man and is therefore going to sleep in Papa’s chair instead of snuggling in MeeMaw’s chair (my sleeping place while the boys are here in case they wake up during the night). He is currently fighting sleep with all his might.

I checked the squirrels again. They are all curled up and fast asleep, unlike Dylan. They have fur now, unlike last time, and their eyeslits may be partially open. Their tail is still skinny. I’m worried about whether the one from the water will be alive in the morning as I think he may have inhaled some water. Oh, wait. It IS morning. Damnit.

It’s now 5 a.m. Dylan is finally showing some signs of going to sleep (woohoo! I see sleepy eyes!) so maybe MeeMaw can get some of that very, VERY badly needed beauty sleep. Or at least enough sleep so the dawg doesn’t look at me and run away yelping when I go outside.

Even if Dylan goes to sleep and sleeps until the ungodly late hour of 7 a.m., Jacob will still be waking up @ 6 a.m.

I want my mommy bringing me a Margarita. And a blanket.

We have a new tropical storm headed this way (the things you learn when you turn on the Weather Channel before dawn to make soothing noise for a little one). Do we have batteries? I don’t think I’ve stocked up on those yet this year and the number of nocturnal squirrel fetching trips is really puttin’ a hurt on the flashlight. Huh. Guess a trip to Walmart is in our near future since the tropics are gettin’ all active again.

7 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Retread said,

    What do you feed baby squirrels? It’d be good to know, in case that storm they’ve been talking about for the last week comes through your stretch of Florida. 😉

  2. 2

    Jenhaines said,

    you can feed them kitten milk replacer in a syringe

  3. 3

    swampie said,

    Momma squirrel relocated the young squirrels away from the tree in the yard. If they fall again, I won’t hear them to rescue them.

    Like Jen said, we’ve raised an infant squirrel previously with kitten milk replacer. Mom has successfully raised a family of squirrels from a nest in a fallen tree after a storm with Similac and a doll bottle, but squirrel rehabbers don’t recommend it.

  4. 4

    kcduffy said,

    Swampie, in reference to Hurricane Season…how long do batteries and koolaid and water stay usable? Because I think there might be a couple things I load into the hurricane box in June that may need to be rotated out by the first of August or September, when there’s still a couple months of the season left?

    Hurricane Bill. Judging by the nice, old-man sounding name, this one could be a killer. Another bit of trivial amusement – we have Hurricane Bill in the Atlantic, and the Pacific boasts Hurricane Guillermo – which is the Spanish name for William…BILL!!!

    We now return you to any semblance of sanity you previously enjoyed.

  5. 5

    swampie said,

    I dunno how long Koolaid (packages) are supposed to last; however, I used to use it to dye wool and the kids were over and wanted Koolaid. I looked for my old wool-dying Koolaid packages and found that the inside, instead of being dry and powdery, was caked together. Apparently humidity in the kitchen (cooking? dishwashing?) had gotten to it.

    As for water storage, we don’t do it aside from filling bathtubs for washing and toilet flushing before a big storm. (We have another well with a handpump for electrical outages). If you have municipally treated water, 5 gallon containers should keep about 3 to 6 months before dumping and replacing. Well water, like ours, would have to be treated with chlorine bleach before storage. Commercially bottled water is supposed to be good for a year.

    I stocked up on lots of batteries 3 years ago and have just finished them up. I am out at night in the pastures feeding and checking stock before dawn and after dark when I’m working in the winter, so I need lots of batteries! Unfortunately, I need to go stock up again.

  6. 6

    Retread said,

    When I heard Hurricane Bill all I could think of was Clinton. Maybe he’ll stay off the mainland.

  7. 7

    swampie said,

    Well, I wouldn’t mind too much if he visited up nawth.

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