Guess Nancy Pelosi Wants To Investigate Me

Since I’m one of the people that oppose the mosque being put into the ground zero area while a Greek Orthodox church that was actually destroyed is being prevented from rebuilding, I suppose Fancy Nancy wants a congressional investigation into who is paying me for my opinion. Guess it never occurred to that dishonest venal bitch that some things aren’t for sale.

3 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    RebeccaH said,

    I think you are being insensitive toward dishonest venal bitches. I can’t think of one (and I know several) who would claim the Wicked Witch of the House.

  2. 2

    swampie said,

    Well, sensitivity has never been my strong suit!

  3. 3

    Excellent descriptive there, Swampie. I like it. Dishonest Venal Bitch! Got character to it. Out here in the Mojave Desert, we refer to her as the Wicked Witch of The West.

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