Guess We Can Say Those Filling Obama’s Cabinet are Unpatriotic

Remember this from the New York Post?

WASHINGTON – Joe Biden wrapped Old Glory around Barack Obama’s plan to raise taxes on wealthy Americans, saying the rich should be “patriotic” and fork over more cash.

“It’s time to be patriotic, time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut,” Obama’s running mate said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

Obama wants to raise taxes on those earning higher than $250,000, but he proposes tax cuts that he says will benefit 95 percent of Americans.

Hell, his own cabinet choices don’t even pay taxes at the lower rate, let alone a higher rate. I suppose those higher tax rates are only for people that actually work for a living. Who knew that being in government meant that you didn’t have to pay your taxes?

I am sick, sick, SICK of this. Perhaps routinely appointing criminals to government positions works in Chicago but it sure as hell doesn’t impress the rest of us. Apparently Diogenes would have been hard-pressed to find an honest Democrat. Obama has certainly not been able to locate one with both hands and a search committee.

In a statement last night, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said: “Senator Daschle brought these issues to the Finance Committee’s attention when he submitted his nomination forms, and we are confident the committee is going to schedule a hearing for him very soon and he will be confirmed.”

Well, there you go, straight from the horse’s ass mouth. After all, who cares about a little thing like not paying $128,000 in taxes?

Tom Daschle – once considered assured of breezing through his confirmation as U.S. secretary of Health and Human Services – soon will face tough questioning on Capitol Hill about underpaying his income taxes and his extensive work for clients in the health care industry, Republican aides said Saturday.

While I’m not a professional politician* and don’t care to be accused as such, this looks like a huge conflict of interest to me.

*Professional whores have MUCH higher codes of ethics than professional politicians.

And check this out:

New York’s Charles Rangel and five other Democratic members of the House enjoyed a trip to the Caribbean sponsored in part by Citigroup (see above) in November – after Congress had approved the $700B bailout for financial firms (including Citigroup).

The members no doubt will object to the terms “junket,” but that shoe fits. The National Legal and Policy Center, a watchdog group, has asked Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to investigate the Nov. 6-9 excursion to the island of St. Maarten.

It was called the Caribbean Multi-Cultural Business Conference, but “the primary purpose … for most participants appeared to be to take a vacation,” said the NLPC. And not only was the timing lousy, but “corporate sponsorship of such an event was banned by House rules adopted on March 1, 2007, in response to the (lobbyist Jack) Abramoff scandal,” the group pointed out.

Joining Rangel on that trip were Donald Payne of New Jersey, Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas, Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick of Michigan, Bennie Thompson of Mississippi and Donna Christenson, delegate from the U.S. Virgin Islands.

I hope they had a nice vacation financed by our stolen money. Actually, I hope they picked up an incurable disease and will die screaming in agony.

8 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Robert D said,

    There’s a big train wreck coming swampie. And I don’t see much interest in stopping it. (not in the Republicans anyway)

  2. 2

    Robert D said,

    Form 1040 (Dem)

    Riffing off a comment on Ann Althouse, Just One Minute’s poster Ranger has his own idea for the new form 1040Dem, inspired by the Geithner and Daschle tax chiseling:

    Line 1: Are you a Democrat?
    Line 2: How much income [d]o you want to declare for this year?
    Line 3: How much tax do you feel like paying on that income?

    American Thinker

  3. 3

    swampie said,

    Yep. I spent the weekend with my in laws. They were talking about a revolution.

  4. 4

    […] Michelle Malkin/NYP Geithner And Daschle Fit Biden’s “Unpatriotic” Profile: A1A Share this Right Soup with […]

  5. 6

    Robert D said,

    So is Nancy Killefer, another tax cheat.

  6. 7

    swampie said,

    Yeah, I heard that on the way home from work today! I left work early for a doc’s appointment (my stress hormones are doubling each time I get checked; I’m supposed to relax, exercise, take vitamins, get plenty of rest, and have them rechecked in 3 months) and so got to listen to Mark Steyn filling in for Rush. I also heard about Nancy.


  7. 8

    Robert D said,

    Relax? Plenty of rest? You? 😆 give me a break….. 😉

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